Sunday, 12 September 2010

What shall we do with the drunken vagrant!

This morning, as soon as I arrived at work, I had to deal with an intoxicated vagrant totally unable to keep his balance. In fact he sat down in the passageway and refused to budge!

The vagrant sat there, semi conscious, refusing to acknowledge me or any other member of staff. That's when I decided to call the Police to come and evict the vagrant from the Station.

A few minutes later, the Police arrived. They proceeded to search the vagrant and discovered inside his jacket, a bottle of alcohol wash gel. The vagrant had stolen it from the hospital across the road!

This gel is used by hospital staff to clean and disinfect their hands after any contact with a patient, to prevent any cross contamination. The gel is not supposed to be taken internally as it contains toxins to prevent people from considering consuming it for its alcohol content.

The vagrant was so desperate to get his daily fix of alcohol, that he was willing to take the risk of killing himself by drinking poison! He even tried to make the soap gel more palatable by mixing it with ketchup!

The Police requested an ambulance to take the vagrant to hospital. Eventually a paramedic turned up, and with the help of the Police walked the vagrant across the road to the hospital next door.

What has me worried is what are we supposed to do with people who are clearly set on a road to destruction? This vagrant was treated in the hospital, and 6 hours later he is released and comes wandering into my Station again!

In this day and age where the liberal ethos holds so much sway, is it really being humane to allow an alcoholic wander the streets slowly killing themselves drinking anything that has a trace of alcohol in it? These people cannot function on their own. Therefore society needs to make a decision as to what should be done about them.

My views may be considered controversial but I can only think of 2 ways that would prove effective. The first is euthanasia. I know it is drastic, but surely and injection of morphine by a doctor would be better than months of pain and sickness through consuming poisonous substances. I suppose the liberals out there would suggest that we should provide free alcohol to feed their addiction. The question is are we not just providing them with another form of drug that will eventually achieve the same end as morphine would have done, only over a much longer period and probably psychologically more damaging to the victim too.

The other option would be to lock the away inside an institution. As they are alcoholics, they could never be released as they would immediately start drinking again. Would this sort of treatment be considered humane? Gone are the days of special mental hospitals which force addicts to go cold turkey. Now there are varying degrees of alcoholism in present society's eyes. If it is the early stages, maybe help from family or self help groups might be better. What I am on about are the addicts who have not responded to any form of help or treatment. Do we continue to do something that clearly doesn't work, or do we do something potentially cruel to ultimately be kind?

I sometimes wonder that the present "softly, softly" approach does more harm than good in these situations.
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  1. Ian, Alcoholism is an Illness, The World Health Organisation and The British Medical Association have recognised it as one. Its the 3rd biggest killer illness in Britain, Behind Cancer & Heart Disease. Locking alkys away happens all the time, its not the answer. They Just need to get Honest with themselves, its that simple. Most people are narrow minded about Alcoholism, because a real alcoholic`s problem is NOT ALCOHOL. Its a misunderstood condition. That bloke today wanted alcohol to treat His Alcoholic condition, Its the effect he gets from the relief of putting alcohol into his body he wants. And what aa does is give you an alternate medicine other than booze,

  2. I understand your point of view. You at least recognised your illness and sought help. What I struggle to understand are the people who deny they have a medical problem and refuse to accept any help or treatment. What then is the best course of action in those situations? Do you try and protect them from themselves by incarserating them in a place where they cannot get any alcohol? Or do you allow them to carry on to their enevitable sorry end?
