Thursday, 14 May 2009

A Twit of a Twitterer!

This morning, I walked with my wife and the dog to the next village so that my wife could get a bus to work. As she has to be at work by 08:00, she cannot wait for the bus from our village, as the first one doesn't come through until 07:30, and she would miss her connecting bus to get her to work!

So when I can, I walk with her for 30 minutes to the bus stop. Once she is safely on her way, I then walk back home, with the dog, by way of the river. This is a very tranquil and peaceful time, as the daily hum of the traffic is replaced by all the birdsong, the honking of the Canada Geese, and the noise from the sheep and the cows. Occasionally, you might hear the gentle gurgle of a small tributary running into the river.

While I was walking beside the river, I thought it would be nice to take a picture, and upload it to my Twitter account. I took the picture at 07:00 this morning, and tried, and tried to upload it, without any success. My mistake was that on my BlackBerry phone I had the option of "Send to TwitterBerry". This did not work, and after 3 or 4 hours trying I gave up. It was only when I got to work and looked on the TwitPic site, did I discover that I need to Email the picture instead!

So I have successfully uploaded my first picture, and have learned not to try and send another one via TwitterBerry!

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