Sunday, 21 March 2010

Upgrades to my local Station

For the past eight years the Station where I work has been a partial building site, where we are supposed to get a new entrance with lift access from street level to platform level.

Originally, we were supposed to have lift access to both platforms before the Olympics come to London in 2012. Now we will only have access to one side of the Station, and only one platform.

The delays are a direct result of the Governments wonderful idea of instigating PPP (Public, Private Partnership) to London Underground. They decided to foist this scheme only on the maintenance and repair sections, leaving the operational side alone.

Ten years later, the private contractors have paid their shareholders massive dividends, and the directors have syphoned off money into their bonus accounts. Suddenly they realise that they don't have enough finance available to deliver the maintenance they were contracted to do. So they have the audacity to ask the Government and London Underground for more money to do the work!

When their request was refused, they craftily decided to go Bankrupt! They left millions of pounds of debt and forced London Underground to pay off their debts with money that was to be used in refurbishing the Stations in time for the Olympics.

That was one of the maintenance companies. The other has just failed a court action to get more money from the Government/Underground. No guesses as to what they are likely to do next! This time when the maintenance company goes bankrupt, London Underground will not be able to pay off the debts and being the maintenance back under its own umbrella. They have no money left!

Unless the Government dig deep into their coffers and pour more money into this fiasco (with all parties claiming massive cutbacks, this seems unlikely), you can expect a rapid decline in the reliability and safety of the underground through lack of maintenance.

I have been at my present Station for over 8 years. For the last 7 years a new exit has very slowly been built. Even now we still have no idea if and when it will ever be completed! During those 7 years the gas been built a massive office block above the station, and they have completely rebuilt the Hospital next door!

I managed to have a little look around the building site and took a couple of pictures. I apologise for the poor quality of them as they were taken on my mobile phone which doesn't have a high powered camera feature.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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