Saturday, 11 October 2014

Learning a New Skill

As some of you may be aware, I have a full time job, but I am also working part-time on my fortune. Part of my part-time work involves finding ways to talk to people. One of those ways is to have a Win-a-Mini event. This is a free prize draw held once a year, that anyone can enter (so long as they are over 18), and one person will win a brand new BMW Mini, or £10,000 cash!

Now this the interesting part, every form that I get filled in, has my ID number on it, and should the person who wins the prize be someone I had spoken to, then I win a £1000. Even better, if the person I got to fill the form in actually joined the company promoting it and started saving money on their household bills, I would also win a BMW Mini!!

I have attended a number of these events before. But they have always been organised and set up by someone else. I just arrange a 3 hour slot to be there and talk to people.

This time, for the first time, I have gone through the process of organising and setting up a Win-a-Mini event. It has been quite an experience keeping in contact with other team members, and sorting out what time slots they wanted. Then it is making sure I have contact details in case any changes needed to be made.

Finally, one thing I needed was the promotional material to display. I could have asked other team members if I could borrow them, but I felt that I would be cheating myself from taking full responsibility. Because my part-time business makes me self employed, I gain substantially from this aspect, by being able to get a tax rebate from Inland Revenue. This year, the tax man gave me back nearly £900. With this money I re-invested it into my business (it will count towards next years tax rebate), and I now have all the promotional materials to provide a noticeable display, which looks quite impressive!

Main Booth & Roller Blinds

Feather Flags outside entrance

I have already organised and booked my next Win-a-Mini event next month, and hopefully the momentum generated will propel my part-time business with rocket fuel!!