Saturday, 22 June 2013

Multiple Chances For Me to Win £1000

As You may be aware, I am trying to build my business into something substantial. Unfortunately, because I am basically very lazy, and lack drive and motivation, the business is growing at a snails pace. the only saving grace I have is, I don't quit! To that end, I decided to do a High Street WAM (Win A Mini competition), only this time, I set myself a target of gathering at least 2 appointments every week, no matter how many WAM's it took! Rather than look to get the appointments in one day, I have to keep going every day until I do achieve my target. So this post is a work in progress, showing what I get up to over the course of this week.


Today, I visited Stony Stratford again, to see if I could gather any appointments. I did gather one appointment, but unfortunately, the customer then phoned me 15 minutes later to cancel the appointment. He didn't want to reschedule the appointment either! I spent 90 minutes there, and only got 6 forms filled in. At least that means I get 6 more chances to win £1000 next year! Below is the table of my efforts in Stony.

Location Time Taken People Asked Forms Filled Call Back Appointments
Stony Stratford 10:30 - 10:45 27 1 Nil Nil
10:50 - 10:55 14 1 Nil Nil
11:00 - 11:10 23 1 Nil Nil
11:15 - 11:20 3 1 Nil 1
11:25 - 11:26 1 1 Nil Nil
11:30 - 12:00 41 1 Nil Nil
Totals 90 Minutes 109 6 Nil 1


I didn't do any major work promoting my business today, as I had a hospital appointment in the morning, and took my wife shopping in the afternoon. My 3 week holiday was cut short after only the first week as I was desperately needed back at work to cover for staff sickness. Initially it should be for only 5 days, so hopefully, I will be back on holiday next week. So tonight, I will be working night shifts for the next 5 nights.

However, I did have an appointment to see someone about the business opportunity. The meetimg went well, but he couldn't be considered a canditate until he turns 18, which is next week. So I have another appointment arranged to see him on his birthday!

I also received a phone call from a potential customer, and have arranged an appointment for Thursday evening.


As a bit of activity to drive my business forward, I placed 50 business newspapers inside the daily Metro newspapers. Hopefully, they will spread out around London, and someone might pick up the business newspaper and give me a call.

I had to take my wife to work in the morning, and collect her again in the afternoon, so my day's sleep was disrupted somewhat, so not much time was available to do much else today.


Again, I dipatched another 50 business Newspapers inside the Daily Metro Newspaper. This time I chose a different location for the Newspapers. My idea was that a completely different number of people would pick up these papers. So far, there has been no response - yet! I won't be giving out any more of these newspapers, as I have finally used up all the stock I had. Considering that I bought the supply nearly 4 years ago, it's about time I got around to distributing them all! It will be a few months before I order some more newspapers, as I am currently saving up for a mobile booth to do the WAM (Win A Mini) events at Car Boot Sales, Fairs, and weekend Markets.


Today, I arranged to do a High Street WAM with one of my team. Together, we went to Stony Stratford, and we stood there for 30 minutes asking people if they wanted to enter a free prize draw. My team member managed to get a few forms filled in, but alas, she didn't get any appointments. Below is a table of my own efforts, which ended with me gaining an appointment next week!

Location Time Taken People Asked Forms Filled Call Back Appointments
Stony Stratford 14:55 - 14:57 7 1 Nil Nil
15:00 - 15:03 3 1 Nil Nil
15:07 - 15:08 1 1 Nil Nil
15:14 - 15:16 2 1 Nil 1
Totals 30 Minutes 13 4 Nil 1

At least the first hurdle has been negotiated, now all I have to do is get over the next hurdle of getting the customer to let me visit them as arranged. Then I stand a chance of getting over the final hurdle of getting them to become a customer!

On my regular occupation, I have now been asked to work the full 7 nights! What happens next Tuesday could be interesting, as that is when I would have been doing my own night shift if I wasn't on holiday. The person who is supposed to covering my shift, is now on holiday himself! So it is anybody's guess as to who will be covering those duties next week. I wouldn't be surprised if I get a desperate phone call from my manager asking for help again!